lørdag den 21. februar 2009

The Nomnomnezziz

Tonight is the night of the 81st Annual Academy Awards, aka The Oscars!

And that means that I'll be really tense and grumpy tomorrow becaaaause:

1. I've been pulling an all nighter, which I reluctantly also did the day before yesterday and therefor I lack sleep and need to feast on babies' blood to gain my (super)natural charm and wit.

2. Because the show will not have mannaged to prove me wrong of thinking that it's just a waaay to predictable popularity contest... A predictable popularity contest that I for some reason want to win.

3. Because the show proofs to not be as predictable as I thought it to be, and there by making all clever bets I forced my very uninterested father to make with me, to be wrong.

The latter would force my uncomprehending brains (I have several) to explode.

Don't give the child sharp objects!!

Last summer I cut my hair very short and I liked it while it was short, but ever since it became "not quite short, but not quite long either" I've just been waiting for it to grow long again and now it's actually starting to get pretty long!

BUT of course I had to do something stupid. I don't have a lot of patience and I love to alter the way I look... so of course I gave myself a haircut. I just cut my bangs short to right under my eyebrows but it just looks like a fucking fringe, and it just doesn't suit me.

I totally freaked out but then I remembered that it's cold enough outside to just wear a hat.

...And yeah I know this is the worst first blog ever. I'm not promising to improve either.